Sigma 40mm F1.4 ART Review Part 2 | 4K

Footage by
Dustin Abbott

Dustin Abbott

15 videos


Sony A7R Mark III Focus Performance

The Sony A7R Mark III demonstrated consistently good focus results, particularly when shooting at f/1.4. In one example, a foreground subject was captured with sharpness and precision, showcasing the camera's close focus capabilities and delivering excellent quality of focus. The narrow depth of field resulted in beautifully diffused backgrounds, adding to the overall appeal of the shot. The mirrorless advantage was evident, as off-center focus points that might have been problematic on DSLRs were handled effortlessly by the A7R Mark III.

EOS R Portrait Focus and Depth of Field

The EOS R impressed with its Eye Autofocus (IAF) when shooting portraits. In one instance, the IAF accurately detected and locked focus on the subject's eyes, resulting in crisply focused and captivating portraits. The camera's ability to separate the subject from the background was commendable, producing shots with a pleasing background blur and emphasizing the subject effectively. The shallow depth of field at f/1.4 allowed for creative compositions, achieving compelling results. Additionally, using the EOS R with the Sigma MC-11 adapter for Sony lenses yielded impressive focus and detail even at wide apertures.

Crop Mode and Great Detail

In crop mode, the footage looks exceptionally beautiful with great detail. There are no complaints about the autofocus (IAF) performance, as it performs admirably in capturing focus accurately.

Video Autofocus Performance

When it comes to video autofocus performance, using this non-mirrorless lens with an adapted focus system has both pros and cons. The advantage is that it provides a better focus ring for manual focusing, offering more repeatable and linear results, making it suitable for focus pulls. However, lenses specifically designed for mirrorless cameras with focus-by-wire systems may offer even smoother and more precise manual focus. Despite this, Sigma's lens deserves credit for its overall performance.

Video Performance and Focus Systems

When it comes to video performance, having a real focus ring with a mechanical coupling is appreciated. However, mirrorless cameras use stepping motors for autofocus, providing smoother and quieter performance. Canon's nano USM and Sigma's new focus motors are very fast, while Canon's approach seems to result in smoother and quieter focus pulls compared to Sony's approach. The Sigma 40mm f/1.4 Art lens is part of the unconventional trinity and represents some of Sigma's best optical primes in the Art series, offering exceptional image quality and autofocus performance.

Sigma's Exceptional Lenses

Sigma offers a range of exceptional lenses, particularly in the wide-angle to medium telephoto options. The 28mm, 40mm, 105mm, and 135mm lenses are all noteworthy choices, with the 105mm being the preferred one. Though these lenses are larger and more expensive, they deliver real art and beauty in the images they produce. However, if size and cost are not an issue, these lenses are definitely worth considering. For Sony shooters, the 35mm f/1.2 lens is recommended, as it provides sharper corners and better autofocus performance, specifically designed for Sony cameras. For hybrid shooters who use both Canon and Sony systems, the 40mm lens is a more attractive option as it can be used on both systems. Overall, photographers have plenty of exceptional lenses to choose from, and the Sigma 40mm f/1.4 Art lens stands out as a particularly special choice.